lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009


He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious? She was a skater, he was a normal boy. What more can I say? She wanted him, he'd never tell that secretly he wanted her as well
But all of his friends stuck up their nose, they had a problem with her baggy clothes.
She was a skater boy, he said see you later girl, she wasnt good enough for him. She had a pretty face but his head was up in space, he needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now he sits at home feeding the baby, he's all alone. He turns on tv, guess who he sees? skater girl rocking up MTV. He calls up her friends, they already know and they've all got tickets to see her show. He tags along and stands in the crowd looks up at the girl that he turned down.
She was a skater girl, he said see you later girl, she wasnt good enough for him. Now she's a superstar slaming on her guitar.

Practicamente... lo que me pasó hace cerca de un año.

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